charlotte, nc Baker specializing in Gluten Free baked goods
Former tennis professional and corporate stiff turned passionate baker spreading joy through gluten free treats as well as sourdough.
Growing up in an Italian household and learning to cook and bake from a very young age I have always enjoyed my time in the kitchen. I never imagined when I met my wife and had never had a gluten free item that I would later make it my profession/passion. Since she and her family are gluten free I became accustomed to living that lifestyle to quickly find out the options were just not good at all. I felt like no matter where we purchased our food or baked goods they were in short, bad!
I made it my mission to make them better by studying, reading about, and testing gluten free items. I tested them on my wife, her family, the staff at her business, friends, strangers, you name it! After doing this I was strongly encouraged by all to make this for a larger group of people and here we are.
Because everyone deserves good $H!T